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Liberation IS Means of Inquiry
Sharer Program

The message of freedom has been traditionally passed on from one person, a guru or teacher, to a student or disciple. It is often the presence of the teacher that people are attracted to, and in that, the hope that somehow the deep knowing of the teacher or guru will be magically transmitted to them. While there can be value in this, I feel that a true message of freedom need not be solely limited to the teacher’s presence but instead is inherent in the message itself and the skillful means in which it is presented. This frees the participant from being bound to the teacher and puts them firmly on their own two feet, in their own freedom with their own autonomy. 


Since I began this work in 2012, the message I share has not been some kind of magical transmission, but a skillful means, with a clear, specifically laid out form of sharing a message that is not the sole domain of me or anyone else, but is your very own essential being. This message is easily recognised and embraced by people who are ready for it. Because of this, many people have come to know their own freedom and have become independent of me or any other teacher or guru. 


With this in mind, I want to offer the possibility to people who are ready and qualified to share this message of freedom with other people. The message itself is universal, not exclusive to me, and applies to anyone who has come to a point in their life when they are ready to come to know real maturity, which I call the natural human condition. 


Having worked with so many bright, intelligent, humble, willing, open and authentic people, I am aware that some of you would be able to pass this message on with your own authentic intention of assisting others to come to know their own freedom. 


To that end, I will be offering a program for those who would like to take this step to become a sharer in the Liberation IS Means of Inquiry and to share the message of freedom with others. 

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