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Liberation IS The End of the Spiritual Path

​This simple, powerful message is for you. Have it!
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Salvadore Poe guides you step by step to awakening to those on the spiritual path who are seeking the end of the spiritual path.

Salvadore shares a simple message which creates an actual paradigm shift that brings genuine peace, love, compassion, freedom and ease of being to your life.


It is the perennial message of freedom, shown to you in a completely down to earth, non-dogmatic or religious context.


It is not for everyone. ​​​It is for you when you are tired of seeking endlessly and are finally ready to wake up, be finished with your spiritual path and practices and begin living a life of freedom, now. 

and Retreats

Salvadore Poe holds events in India and online for freedom, related to Advaita, non-duality, Vedanta, liberation, Dzoghen, awakening and enlightenment
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 Online Meetings 

Zoom Open Meetings

Salvadore Poe teaches non-duality, non-doership, enlightment, and the end of the spiritual path.
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Books and Audiobooks

In my ninety years of an interesting, sometimes very challenging but always full on life, this is the best thing I ever did. If you are tired of going round and round on the carousels, psychological, philosophical, spiritual, tired of endlessly seeking, reading books, studying the various teachings and still not finding what you think you are looking for, take a deep breath, give up, and start doing this work. And if you happen to be on the fence about taking part in an intensive, get off and sign up. You won't regret it!


I was a little hesitant to do the intensive, but I had a feeling it would be worth it and boy was it ever. I was reading every spiritual book I could get my hands on, with no end in sight. I was searching for an experience of enlightenment. Something in the future. Sal helped us SEE for ourselves that the only truth is this ... here ... now. That it isn't an experience. That we aren't creating it. Although other teachers had pointed in this direction, no one else in my experience has done it so directly, simply, and convincingly. And with such good humor! And what is left?  Deep gratitude to Sal.  Deep peace.  And ... this. It is a huge relief to look at my pile of spiritual books and not have an interest in picking them up. What else is there to know? 


I have never encountered a teacher as effective at head-removal as Sal. And by head removal, I mean showing me exactly what I am, by neatly removing everything that I am not. The amount of peace and goodness this has introduced into my life is indescribable. It's a terrifyingly potent message, and the fact that it is delivered by one of the kindest humans I've met doesn't hurt either.


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