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Freewill? The Greatest Malignancy. An Introduction

Here is an introduction to the question of free will, from an Intensive in Tiru, India, January, 2024

Stephan Goes to Tiru

Here is Stephan's beautiful long video about his trip to Tiru

Tom talks about being on an Intensive in Tiru

My dear friend Tom speaks here about being on an Intensive.

Are You Willing to Be Free?

Open Meeting June 20,2022

A Paradigm Shift

Love, Peace, Happiness, Goodness and Health are already inherent in who you are. You can easily discover this about yourself with a simple shift of knowing. A paradigm shift, from being exclusively the contracted belief in a separate self, and trying to fix yourself, to knowing and being the inherent freedom that you are now already.

The Natural Human Condition is Free. Come Out Into the Sun

Highlights of Zoom Open Meeting, May 22, 2022

The Sun of Pure Being, The Brightest Light

A video from an open meeting, May 8, 2022

Silence is Your Essential Being

This is an extended extract from an Open Meeting on April 24, 2022. Sal shares a Holiday on Silence, and speaks about spiritual questions, life's meaning, what is truth and how to deal with afflictive thoughts and emotions.

Wizard of Oz - A Movie About the Spiritual Path and Enlightenment

Sal is speaking about the Wizard of Oz movie and how it is about being on the spiritual path. How it relates to Vedanta and enlightenment and what all the metaphors in the movie mean. It is from a Q&A on his latest intensive.

Where We Unite

This is from a Zoom Open Meeting where Sal introduces us to where we are united. Especially valuable to know in these extremely divisive times.

The PLay of Life

Sal speaks about his intensives and reads from a new text about coming full circle.

The Play of Life - Full Circle Freedom

Sal reads a new text about the misunderstood idea that form is an illusion and that the result of his work on an intensive is true non-dual freedom, freedom that does not exclude form, what he calls the Play of Life.

Compassion and Intensive Info

This is a clip from an Online Open Meeting. Sal speaks about the idea of freewill and doership and how that idea creates a lack of compassion. He also talks about his Online Intensives and what is required to liberate the mind of delusion and doubt.

Meeting free from contention, self righteousness, division. Today’s sad social condition. (AUDIO)

Today many people are at each other's throats because of their opinions, all based on fear and belief. In this talk from an Open Meeting, Sal shares a holiday where we come together, free from contention, self righteousness, division, where we are all the same.

Salvadore on the What Is - Effortless Wholeness Summit with Susan Hill

Salvadore speaking on the What Is - Effortless Wholeness Summit with Susan Hill