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Tiru Intensive Sign Up Form



Please read and review everything below thoroughly.

DATES: 2024-2025

Intensive 1 - December 18 - 28 (this intensive is dependant on the amount of people who plan to come)
Intensive 2 - January 5 - 15 (this intensive is CONFIRMED)
- Freedom Meetings in between intensives
Intensive 3 – January 26 – February 5 (this intensive is CONFIRMED)
Intensive 4 - February 16 - 26 (this intensive is dependant on the amount of people who plan to come)



Live Intensive Pricing

One Intensive - $950
Two Intensives - $1500
Three Intensives - $1800
If we hold 4 intensives and you plan to be here for all four, the fourth is free. 

The Freedom Meetings are included in the price.

Partial need-based scholarships are available. Contact us for more information: CONTACT

If you've been on a full intensive, not a mini-intensive, online or in person with Sal already, the live intensive prices are:
One Intensive - $700
Two Intensives - $1100
Three Intensives - $1400

DEPOSIT - $475 for however many you will join. Refundable up to 2 weeks before the intensive begins.

Video Recording Pricing

If you're unable to come to India and would like to watch the video recordings from your home, the prices are below. You will be able to send in questions by email. Sal will answer them during the Q&A meetings.

The video will not be live streamed but will be available shortly after each session.

One intensive - $400
Two Intensives - $550
Three Itensives - $650

The Freedom Meetings will not be video recorded.

Here is a link to the Google Calendar of the days and times, adjustable to your timezone: (please bookmark this link)

Please provide us with some information so we can get to know a bit about you. Couples are welcome to join together, but each person needs to fill out this form individually. Thank you.

If you have any questions before you fill out the form, please email us here: CONTACT

Check all that apply. (If you are attending live, there is no need to check the Videos boxes.)
The Intensives on January 5 and January 26 are confirmed.
The Intensive on December 18 and February 16 are dependent on attendance. If you would like to attend one of these, please do check this box, but don't purchase a flight ticket until we let you know if it will be happening. That will be finally decided 2 months before the beginning of those two intensives.



Intensives with Salvadore Poe are about being finished with your spiritual path and living freedom as a fully human being. This begins the first day of the intensive. Doing any spiritual practices during the intensive will prevent you from waking up to freedom. Please read the requirements below, they are intended to ensure, for yourself, that you are committed to participating in this intensive fully and are genuine about and value coming to know freedom and ending your spiritual path.

  • I agree to stop doing all spiritual practices and sadhana during my time on the intensives with Sal, and to do this work only. This includes meditation and any spiritual practices. It also includes reading spiritual books, watching videos or attending live or online satsangs or spiritual groups. (Physical yoga and other exercise is fine.)

  • I agree to be on time for every meeting. We start on time and late arrivals disrupt the meeting for everyone else. Please respect that.

  • I agree to listen to all of the audios. (The people who spend more time listening, get the message better. You may think you have heard everything the first time, but you will hear new things every time you listen. And listening again keeps you firmly in the recognition of freedom. It is an essential part of this work.)

  • I agree to not share, not now or later, the Intensive audios or the Lions Den audios with anyone. Not my spouse, my sibling, my parent, my child, my soulmate, my better half, my worse half, my imaginary friend, my identical twin, my priest, my rabbi, my rinpoche, my guardian angel, my zen master, my roshi, my doppelganger or my best friend forever. (If you join this intensive it means you are ready for this message and are willing to step up and take it seriously. This work is for you only. If someone else is interested, they are welcome to join an intensive. This is to ensure that only people who are genuine about awakening are involved. Otherwise, they will not get the message. If you are ready and willing to take this very small risk, and brief period of your long life, you will come to know freedom and your path will be over.)

  • I agree that I am not coming to learn how to be a teacher, but to wake up! (This is not a teacher training program and Sal does not train teachers.)

  • I agree that I am in this intensive alone with Sal. If I am joining this with my partner, I will not teach, instruct, advise or ask them questions for clarification. I will ask my questions to Sal. I will support my partner with love, kindness, non-judgment and encouragement. I will leave my partner alone to do the work.

  • I agree that if I am joining with my partner, I will still listen to the audios alone, not together, and in earphones. (This is in case you want to rewind to hear something again. Your recognition is yours alone, you need to go at your own pace to be fully clear about all of it. There is no rush. You will not be walking through the Gates of Heaven holding hands.)

  • I agree to take full responsibility for my participation in the Intensive with Salvadore Poe and all outcomes resulting from my participation. I understand that this is not a therapy session, a trauma group or shadow work. This is about freedom. I am not coming for the purpose of mental or emotional healing, but to recognize my essential nature, and to be finished with spiritual seeking. I understand that Salvadore Poe is not a therapist, a trauma counselor or a shadow worker. If I need any of those things, I will consult a professional.

  • I do not have any mental illness or health (psychological or physical) condition that would make it unwise for me to participate in the intensive. I have never been told to abstain from these types of practices by any health professional.

  • I understand that freedom is worth the fee asked. (If you genuinely cannot afford it, please email us and explain your situation and we can make a payment arrangement or other exception.)

  • I want to come to know freedom and be finished seeking. I realize the value of freedom and will engage in this work fully and genuinely.

We very strongly recommend you do not take any drugs, including weed or alcohol, during the intensive. This will keep you firmly engaged with your mind, infatuated by experience and will prevent you from coming to know your essential being of freedom.

Please be sure you are able to abide by all of the above before you agree. Once you agree and click the send button, you will be re-directed to the payment information page. Once we have received your payment, we will email you, within a day, to welcome you to the intensive.

If you’d like to read what other intensive participants had to say about their experience before applying: www.liberationis.com/intensives

If you have any questions, please email us before you agree at: liberationisinfo@gmail.com

You can also join a Zoom Open Meeting before the intensive and speak with Sal there if you have any questions. www.liberationis.com/open-meetings

Love, Sal

Please click “Send” once and note that the form may take a few seconds to process.